PGRE Ethanol Production Process
The process design and technology is being provided by KATZEN International of Cincinnati, Ohio and is based primarily on existing KATZEN designs utilizing barley as a feedstock on similar sized ethanol plants in Europe. The PGRE Project barley / pea design is based on a 52.91 MGY (196 MLY) barley plant recently commissioned in Spain. The PGRE ethanol facility is designed to produce fuel grade ethanol and Prairie Gold HyProtein Meal™using barley and pea as feedstock as well as the Prairie Gold HyProtein Meal™co-product.
Approximately one-third of each bushel of grain feedstock (the starch) is converted to ethanol. The PGRE ethanol production process (see flow diagram below) consists of several key steps which include de-hulling and milling, cooking, liquefaction, fermentation, distillation and dehydration, centrifugation and drying, evaporation and product storage.